Coaching for Inspiring Creative Leaders

Coaching for managers and leaders in theatre and the arts and culture sector.

Coaching sessions are led by you.
No matter what you are trying to achieve, change, solve or improve, I will support you.
I’ll respond to you and what you bring to each session.
I’ll give you time to think, I’ll ask you questions.
I'll support you to find the answers and next steps you’re looking for.

Coaching sessions may be held in person in Hampshire and Dorset or via Zoom.
Or perhaps walk, talk and think in the beautiful countryside of the New Forest.

Coaching Series

Coaching offers dedicated and supportive thinking time just for you with email support between sessions.

I work alongside arts leaders through a series of at least six coaching sessions and support you with

  • navigating your way in a new role or in a new company
  • searching for your next step, identifying what that is and with applications and interview prep
  • a particular element of your work or have something you want to think through and resolve
  • developing your leadership skills or confidence
  • dedicated time to think
  • dedicated time for your own development
  • finding a better life/work balance

Last autumn I coached 'Clare', an Executive Producer who wanted support in taking some time and space to consider their next steps.
We agreed on a mix of sessions, half held indoors in London, overlooking the river, and half outside, walking in the New Forest.
A few weeks after our last session, this is 'Clare's' reflection on the process -

"I found walking in nature to be wonderful and Fiona has a magical ability to really, truly and deeply listen and only intervene at the crucial moments - with an insight I would never have considered on my own.
It's a special space to find yourself in. Give it the right time - and crucial discoveries are made.
One thing from our sessions has really stayed with me – finding the next steps that ‘give me value.’"

"Fiona has been a valuable asset with regard to helping me with my career direction and its priorities. I was stuck, at a crossroads after a somewhat awful couple of years during and after the pandemic. Our sessions were much-needed,  allowing me space to work through what had gone before and to focus on what could be ahead. Her patience and attentive manner combined with thoughtful, yet provoking questions, allowed me to rediscover my core principles and refocus my goals successfully. I would highly recommend Fiona. "

Kelly Producer

"I came to work with Fiona after much consideration about my next steps professionally, having considered working with a coach for a while. Through working with Fiona I now have a greater sense of the type of leader I am, and a deeper understanding of my strengths and the areas that I need to develop. Through exploring my personal and professional values, I have a much clearer sense of how to hold a team and ensure that we are getting the best from each other. "

Phil Participation Director

"I've recently had a number of sessions with Fiona in order to improve my empathetic management skills.  She has a wealth of experience and knowledge and has a natural ability to connect with others on an emotional level. She is able to provide support, guidance and practical advance in a way that is both compassionate and effective. If you are looking to improve on your management style and enhance your empathetic leadership skills, I would highly recommend Fiona as a coach. "

Danny Head of Facilities Management

"Having taken on my senior role during the pandemic at an overwhelming time, I lacked confidence in what I was doing. Working with Fiona helped me to step outside of the situation and look at it from a different perspective, which I really needed. I felt very supported - she also gave me the breathing space to break down the challenges and find my way to practical solutions to tackle them, which I’ll be taking forward. Thank you Fiona."

Communications Director

"I met with Fiona several times during a change-laden time when I needed some balanced perspective.

Fiona’s ability to support and challenge my thinking led me to new insights which ultimately, enhanced my professional growth. She quickly understood my background and needs and offered specific questions that evoked greater clarity and efficiencies. I would thoroughly recommend her expertise, not to mention she’s an absolute dream to work with!"

Hilary Operations

"I can't speak highly enough of Fiona. Through her guidance I have transformed how I view myself as a professional, and can now assess my skill set from the perspective of a potential employer. My confidence has increased, and I am much more comfortable in interviews. I have found that I am able to speak about my work in a more well-rounded capacity.'

Kate Company Manager

Image of a bright blue sky

Circuit Breaker

A one off intensive scenario/topic driven coaching session for focused thinking time (usually about 3 hours including a break)

This could be for you if you are

  • Adjusting to leadership and management – you’ve been leading your team for a while or have moved into a more senior leadership role and would benefit from additional support
  • Supporting a team member with neurodiversity, long term illness, mental health condition, different cultural experience…and wanting to consider how best to support them whilst also taking care of the rest of the team and yourself

Or if you would benefit from a

  • Strategy session or some Blue Sky thinking– what’s on your mind? Could be a funding application, recruitment, a major project that you and your team need to deliver. Whatever you need I will support you to break it down, identify the priorities and devise a realistic and achievable course of action.

The Circuit Breaker includes a second 30 minute coaching session usually within 6 weeks.

"Having someone truly listen and then become a guide, has helped me to gain proper insight and a way forward with my problems - and that is a gift. Fiona does this with ease, clearly cares and makes sure there are real actions taken to move forward, thank you."

Andy Content Creator

What happens after my coaching ends?

I recommend a follow-up coaching session once every six months and of course sooner if you’d find that helpful.

If you'd like to know more please book a 30 minute introductory call.